Fasting is becoming pretty popular among us healthy people. It is a proven method to lose weight and body fat, and a possible way to help in some cases of type 2 diabetes.
So if you're planning on doing fasting or you already are, you're probably aware of these and the many other benefits it can bring to your health. But no one ever told you about the "side effects" you could probably experience the next few days after you've started intermittent fasting (IF).
These are the 5 things to keep in mind when starting intermittent fasting and how you can avoid them:
1) Lightheaded

During the first three days after you've started fasting, you'll be going through some kind of "transition period" where your body is getting used to the new eating plan. This is why you'll possibly feel a little lightheaded.
Unfortunately, this is something you'll have to keep up with for the first few days until your body gets used to the IF, but consuming some vitamin-rich food could be of some aid.
2) Hunger and Cravings

This could also happen during the transition period, mainly because you're actually eating less regularly than you did before!
Increasing your potassium intake — lots of greens — may smooth out this process. And, of course, avoid watching delicious food videos and any other things that could tempt you to break your fasting!
3) Heartburn

Your stomach will keep producing gastric acid the times it used to receive food, but if there's none to absorb it, it could possibly cause you some reflux or heartburn while it gets accustomed to the fasting.
Remember that your stomach is used to having food maybe three, five, or even six times scattered around a whole day, so going from that to fasting for 16 or more hours will take some time for it to get the hang of it.
If you're a big coffee drinker, and you're using it to suppress your hunger, you might want to reduce your intake as it could make these effects worse.
4) Fatigue

This one will probably happen if you are on an IF and keto diet at the same time. So if you're feeling too tired, you may need to increase your sea salt intake — about a teaspoon of sea salt every day — and make sure to drink lots of water!
5) Overeating

You've spent about 16 to 20 hours fasting and you probably feel really hungry, but you should avoid overeating. Eat at a normal pace and consume the nutrients your body needs. Avoid feeling full and bloated after a BIG meal.
As you can see, all these side effects will go away with time or are easily preventable. So, hang in there!